
## New Sim! ##

Hey Ladies, hey Fellas,

maybe you'll call me silly, but I don't care. :p I bought a Homestead last week. And compared to my other Sims I'm very fast with the building progress - it started Saturday, the whole building components are already done, the texturizing is done and I just need to do the interieur.

Compared to 1 1/2 years building, deleting and rebuilding I'm very happy now.
I'm sure you'll like the design and I'm proud to offer you some nice areas to hang around and relax. It's definately different to my last Sims - but for sure Block 13 Style.

The Sim's name is Soleil, actually closed to public.
The grand opening will take place beginning of July 2010. (Yes, this year. lol)

Stay tuned!


New Release: Styligion ~ Swaggerz

Hey Ladies, hey Fellas,

I texturized some Sneakers for ya.
They come in 6 different styles and colors.

*ASrock* and [Block 13] are collaborating and we're going to offer you more nice avatar-stuff under a new label ~Styligion~ soon.

Have a nice Sunday!


Scrillz Row Closing

Hey Ladies, hey Fellas,

if you've heard any rumors about closing the Block 13 Sim - yes, it's true...
I decided to abandon it, because I'm too lazy and busy to build it.
I am building on my Sim for about 1.5 yrs now, it's just pissing me off,
I'm never satisfied...

I'll reopen my Homebase on a little 1/4 Sim parcel, opening will be on
March 24th... See you there!

Best regards from a very satisfied girl. ;)


## New Releases! ##

I got some requests if I could sell my Sim builds. Actually I'm still rebuilding it, btw. its name is "Scrillz Row" now - so here are 3 of the 5 for you available. 2 need to be retexturized, I'll release them asap.

Have a freaky Friday!