
Block 13 on Flickr


I just added a photostream on Flickr. Just pics of my avatar, I'll add some others and the new coming vendorpics there, too... Have a nice weekend!



Blog 13 online!

Hey Ladies, hey Fellas,

I thought everyone has to have a blog ingame.
Here I go... You'll find here all informations about Block 13, new releases, free stuff, special offers and group-specials.
At least I've to finish my Sim (Block Buster) first. After that long time I'll throw out new urban lifestyle solutions for your needs.

The Sim-opening will (hopefully) in September take place. I just had my summer vacation and it seems like I'm offline in August again for a while. You'll find here the newsticker about the opening party and the joining creators.

For the curious ones: Here's a little picture of Block Buster, still empty - but a bit to see. And yes - it's not going to be a totally grunge Sim with broken buildings. It's going to be a stylemix.

Stay tuned and take care!